Product Testing

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When MK Perimeter Protection first entered the market with a ballistic product, our main goal was to achieve UL 752 ratings. However, based on valuable client feedback, we’ve understood the need for more robust protection that could withstand real-life situations. Through rigorous research and testing, MK developed an RLS portfolio that surpassed industry standards and demonstrated exceptional performance, with walls that absorbed over 10,000 rounds covering various calibers. MK Perimeter Protection’s goal is to provide the best value in protective solutions, going beyond certifications to ensure asset survival and safety. We aim to be known for more than just obtaining UL 752 accreditation for stopping a single round. Our extensive testing program includes live demonstrations of ballistic fire, blast testing, fragmentation explosions, and simulations of bomb threats. Witnessing our product range and capabilities in action at our live events will leave you amazed at the level of protection MK offers, ensuring your assets are safeguarded against worst-case scenarios.